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Truckers protest against diesel fuel shortage in Kazakhstan

Truck drivers protested against diesel fuel shortages in Aktobe region of Kazakhstan. The Kazakh media report.

About fifteen people gathered on the parking lot of Mega Shygys shopping center. They demanded from the local authorities to form a special commission to inspect gas stations. Truckers said that upon request, Sinooil sells them 50-100 liters of diesel fuel each, saying that there is a shortage. But the owners of transit vehicles are sold as much as they ask.

«KazMunayGas gas stations sell 200 liters of diesel fuel when purchasing goods for 10,000 tenge. Would it be a supermarket with groceries, but gas stations sell nothing except chocolates and drinks. We do not need goods, but diesel fuel,» a truck driver Maksat Zilgarin said.

The administration of Aktobe region could not say anything definite about the situation with the shortage of diesel fuel. The region has a little more than 2,000 tons of diesel fuel in reserve. At the same time, the average demand for diesel fuel for the region is 350,000-360,000 tons per month. Recently, the demand for diesel fuel in the region has risen sharply due to the increase in the number of transit vehicles.

Difficulties with supply of diesel fuel in Kazakhstan have been observed since summer. Due to the lack of diesel fuel, the Republic of Kazakhstan began import from Russia. Fuel imports by Kazakhstan may also affect prices in Kyrgyzstan.

«We have already received Russian wholesale prices for October. There will be an increase. The situation is aggravated by the fact that two Russian refineries are undergoing scheduled repairs. They sold 80 percent of the products to Central Asia. Domestic oil traders will contract other refineries, but there is growth. Kazakhstan starts to buy fuel from the Russian Federation, which also aggravates the situation and leads to an increase in prices,» the head of the Association of Oil Traders Kanat Eshatov said earlier.