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Popular Kyrgyz-language Super Info media outlet has new owner

Kyrgyz-language Super Info media outlet has new owner. The Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyzstan has already received a statement on its re-registration. Founder of the newspaper Kylychbek Sultan confirmed the information to 24.kg news agency.

In addition, Editor-in-Chief of Super Info was also replaced. Avtandil Dobulbekov was appointed to the post instead of Shaista Shatmanova.

According to Kylychbek Sultan, currently, the founders are his wife Meerim Sultan and his son.

«I have no legal relation to the newspaper. But I had a desire to introduce a partner for a long time. Events have been unfolding over the past few months — checks by financial police, court proceedings. The whole state machine turned against me after I voiced the secrets of the Foreign Ministry. My family felt the pressure. I decided that it was wrong to involve my loved ones in it. And I decided that I have to reregister the newspaper,» he explained.

He refused to voice the name of new owner, saying that it is his relative.

There is an information on social networks that Kylychbek Sultan sold the media outlet for $ 2 million. In this regard, the editorial board moved from the building, belonging to the family of Omurbek Tekebyaev, to a new office located in Eldorado shopping center.

Kylychbek Sultan denied rumors that the former deputy head of the Customs Service, Raiymbek Matraimov, bought the newspaper and insists that the new owner of the newspaper is his distant relative. He also did not confirm the information on the transaction in the amount of $ 2 million.

«I will leave the newspaper, I even allowed the staff to criticize me. I will go to politics. Now I am deciding on a party to participate in parliamentary elections,» Kylychbek Sultan told.

He does not exclude that the newspaper may change its editorial policy.

«But I myself will continue to criticize the authorities, I will be in opposition until Sooronbai Jeenbekov hears me,» Kylychbek said.

Super Info is one of the most large-circulation (60,000 copies a week) Kyrgyz-language media outlets in the Kyrgyz Republic. The newspaper also has a website and an Internet platform Super-TV.