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Post of CSTO Secretary General remains vacant

The presidents of the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization failed to choose a Secretary General of the CSTO. This became known after a summit, which was held yesterday in Astana (Kazakhstan).

At the final press conference, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said that the issue was discussed, but a conflict arose, so the final decision has not yet been taken.

«According to the statute, a secretary general is chosen in alphabetic order. Belarus comes after Armenia. Of course, Armenia wants to extend the term of service of its representative, but all the heads of state said that only a year remained, he would not even be able to visit all the countries, and a normal, acting secretary general from the Belarusian side was needed. This question was set aside. In December, we will have our next meeting in St. Petersburg and will make a final decision there,» said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Recall, the Secretary General of the CSTO, Yuri Khachaturov, resigned by decision of Armenia on November 2, 2018.