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Temir Dzhumakadyrov: Over 20 years fight against corruption in Kyrgyzstan was declarative

" The fight against corruption in Kyrgyzstan was declarative over 20 years," Defense Council Secretary Temir Dzhumakadyrov told reporters.

According to him, one talked a lot, but real steps and measures haven't been taken.

"Adoption of the presidential decree on the state corruption control policy strategy on February 2, 2012 gave us the opportunity to move from declarative direction to more effective measures, from words to deeds," Temir Dzhumakadyrov said.

"Today we have created a very strong anti-corruption legal and regulatory framework that allows the system to work.  The monitoring, analysis is constantly being held as a result of the implementation of  the state strategy," he added.

Temir Dzhumakadyrov also noted changes in the legislation governing the electoral process. "Today, the elections are transparent and fair. This is one of the elements of the fight against political corruption," he said.