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Government not aware of exact number of Kyrgyz citizens fighting in Syria

The government has no exact data on the number of Kyrgyzstanis fighting in Syria. Deputy Bakirdin Subanbekov announced today at a meeting of Parliament.

According to him, officials should engage in counting of Kyrgyzstanis, who are currently in Syria. He suggested the Cabinet to charge the local authorities with registration of the population and finding out the exact number of those who had left.

"The Interior Ministry earlier voiced the figure of 500 people. 30 people of them have been killed in Syria. Another 40 have returned. What is being done to them? What measures are taken against them? We do not pay enough attention to this problem. We need to carry out explanatory work. It is necessary to talk about it and to carry out maintenance work at the local level," Bakirdin Subanbekov said.