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Prosecutor General's Office opens case against Health Ministry officials

The Prosecutor General’s Office instituted criminal proceedings against the officials of the Ministry of Health. The press service of the body reported.

The check found out that in June 2017 the Ministry of Health held a competition for the procurement of «Construction of a new unit of the perinatal center under the National Center for Maternity and Childhood Welfare» services. As a result of the competition, the winner was E.S.S. LLC, and the applications of the other participants were rejected due to the discrepancy of the qualification data with the requirements of the tender documentation.

However, it turned out that the tender documentation of one of the participants in the contest, which offered the smallest amount, was in compliance with the established requirements. Despite this, the officials of the Ministry of Health, abusing their position, signed a contract with E.S.S LLC contrary to the interests of the state. As a result, the state suffered material damage in an especially large amount.

The Prosecutor General’s Office instituted criminal proceedings under the articles «Abuse of office» and «Signing of a contract, public procurement, contrary to the interests of the Kyrgyz Republic» of the Criminal Code. The case was sent for investigation.
