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Director of National Institute of Strategic Initiatives appointed

Sanzhar Mukanbetov was appointed Director of the National Institute of Strategic Initiatives under the President. The press service of the head of state reported.

Recall, Sadyr Japarov signed a decree in April. According to it, the National Institute for Strategic Studies under the President, which was headed by Sanzhar Mukanbetov, and the Institute of Economic Policy Research were reorganized by merger, and the National Institute of Strategic Initiatives was formed on their basis.

Sanzhar Mukanbetov was born on December 12, 1972. He graduated from the Kyrgyz Technical University and the Kyrgyz State National University with a degree in economics.

Previously, he worked as head of the Department of Sectoral Policy — Deputy Head of the Department for Preparation of Decisions of the President and Cabinet of Ministers of the Presidential Executive Office.

During the presidency of Sooronbai Jeenbekov, he was the Minister of Economy.

He headed the State Service for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market and worked as Deputy Prime Minister.
