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Prosecutor General's Office to build house for social workers in Bishkek

Deputy Dastan Bekeshev asked the head of the Cabinet of Ministers at a meeting of the Parliament how many houses would be built under the state mortgage.

Akylbek Japarov responded that 2 billion soms were budgeted for the State Mortgage Company. But this year the president set the task of finding 10 billion soms. According to him, sources of financing are currently being sought.

«To date, the houses are ready on Scryabin Street in Bishkek. The Prosecutor General’s Office is building one large house. Half of the apartments will be allocated to social workers,» the head of the Cabinet noted.

According to Dastan Bekeshev, it was previously reported that the State Mortgage Company would build 7,000 apartments in the capital.

In mid-March, the head of state Sadyr Japarov signed the Decree «On the transfer of the function of implementing the powers of the Cabinet of Ministers to act as a shareholder in State Mortgage Company JSC.» This document ordered the transfer of the company’s shares to the management of the head of the Department of Presidential Affairs.
