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Kempir-Abad case: Bektur Asanov to undergo surgery

The accused in Kempir-Abad case, Bektur Asanov, will be taken to hospital for surgical treatment. He needs a surgery. The press service of the State Penitentiary Service reported.

On December 4, Bektur Asanov reportedly slipped and fell on the tiled floor while taking a shower, after which he began to experience pain in the cervical spine. On December 14, he underwent an MRI of the lumbar spine at Cortex medical center.

The ex-governor of Jalal-Abad region was also consulted by a neurosurgeon, head of the Neurosurgery Department of the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health, where he was recommended surgical treatment, from which the patient abstained.

On December 25, Bektur Asanov was examined by doctors from the Main Medical Department of the State Penitentiary Service. A letter was sent to the National Hospital with a request to set the date and time of the operation.

Earlier, Gulnara Dzhurabaeva reported that Bektur Asanov was being kept in the pre-trial detention center, despite the fact that he needed urgent surgery.

On December 27, a hearing of Kempir-Abad case took place in the Pervomaisky District Court of Bishkek.

The Committee for protection of Kempir-Abad reservoir was created on October 22. It includes activists, politicians and MPs. On the same day, in an interview with Kabar news agency, President Sadyr Japarov said: the authorities have information who was behind the rallies and marches on Kempir-Abad issue.

Mass arrests began on October 23. Authorities placed 27 people in jail on charges of preparing for riots. Currently, 11 people remain in custody.

A number of international human rights organizations such as the International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR), the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC), the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), Freedom Now and others issued a statement calling for the immediate release of politicians and activists arrested in Kyrgyzstan.
