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Paris hosts first Kyrgyz-French Business Forum

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, as part of his working visit to Paris, took part in the first Kyrgyz-French Business Forum. The press service of the head of state reported.

The event was attended by entrepreneurs from more than 50 companies from Kyrgyzstan and France in the fields of logistics, finance, tourism, agriculture, energy, renewable energy, IT technologies, textile production and others.

Sadyr Japarov noted that this business platform would contribute to the further development of bilateral cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and France.

«We highly value our friendly relations established between the countries. Today’s forum undoubtedly speaks of the parties’ intentions to further enhance economic cooperation. The time has come to give our relationship an even more meaningful and practical character. I am confident that today’s meeting will offer our entrepreneurs new opportunities for development of business partnership,» he said.

The head of state noted that Kyrgyzstan is located on a unique trade route — the Great Silk Road and is located between Europe and Asia. Occupying an advantageous geographical position on trade routes, the country can become a bridge between East and West.

He stressed that the project for the construction of China — Kyrgyzstan — Uzbekistan railway is currently at the stage of active development. At the same time, the route of the southern transport corridor China — Kyrgyzstan — Uzbekistan — Turkmenistan — Azerbaijan — Europe is being worked out.

The President noted the existing opportunities for export of organic products from Kyrgyzstan to the French market, including the export of environmentally friendly products through the GSP+. At the same time, he outlined large-scale reforms in Kyrgyzstan, which made it attractive to investors and increased the influx of foreign direct investment.

«We are interested in France’s experience in introduction of new technologies in the agro-industrial complex, and are also ready to consider proposals from French companies to create joint agro-industrial enterprises. We admire the level of development of the French tourism industry,» Sadyr Japarov said, calling for active cooperation in the implementation of projects in this sector, as well as in the introduction of clean energy.

In conclusion, President Sadyr Japarov drew attention to the fact that the French business community actively cooperates with Kyrgyz entrepreneurs, looks for common ground and will launch large-scale projects in the near future.
