USD 87.45
EUR 90.05
RUB 0.85

Bishkek announces collection of humanitarian aid for the needy

The National Red Crescent Society of the Kyrgyz Republic with the support of the Bishkek City Administration is conducting a campaign to collect humanitarian aid for the winter period for people without a certain place of residence, as well as for all those in need. Press service of the city administration reported.

The city administration noted that clean things — clothes and shoes — can be brought to the receiving points:

— Shelter Kolomto — Zhibek Jolu Avenue, 413. Tel. 304855;

— Pervomaisky Social Development Department — Zhibek Zholu Avenue, 495b. Tel. 670433;

— Oktyabrsky district administration — Baytik Baatyr Street, 17. Tel. 510263;

— Sverdlovsk district administration — Chui Avenue, 28. Tel. 530368;

— Mercy Center — Trudovaya Street, 10. Tel. 644871;

— National Red Crescent Society — Erkindik Boulevard, 10. Tel. 300190.
