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Import of over 200 tons of goods from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan to Russia banned

Illegal import of 17 batches of plant products with a total weight of 235.7 tons with high phytosanitary risk to Novosibirsk Oblast of Russia was prevented. Official website of Rosselkhoznadzor reports.

The products were transported by road from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and were detained at the Russian-Kazakhstan section of the state border at Karasuk phytosanitary control post.

At least 20 tons of Kazakh onion, as well as 14.5 tons of fresh pears and 3.65 tons of apples from Kyrgyzstan were transported without marking.

In five cases, products were transported with a partial absence of labeling. These are about 20 tons of onions and 20 tons of grapes from Kazakhstan, as well as three batches of products (grapes, persimmon, lemons, pomegranates, apples) with a total weight of 43.5 from Kyrgyzstan.

In addition, Kazakhstan’s dried apples, fresh carrots, red beets, potatoes, onions and wheat flour with a total weight of 740 kilograms, Chinese and Iraqi almonds and dates with a total weight of 1.1 tons, as well as Kyrgyz carrots, radish and the Uzbek mix of dried fruits weighing 200 kilograms were transported without phytosanitary certificates of the exporting country.

About 20 tons of fresh carrots and 20 tons of bell pepper from Kazakhstan, 6.2 tons of Kyrgyz prunes were transported with an invalid phytosanitary certificate and without labeling on the package.

Four facts of transportation of products with inconsistency of information on the labeling with accompanying phytosanitary documents were detected. About 40 tons of Kazakh onions, 26 tons of dried products and a mix of dried fruits and nuts of Kyrgyz and Uzbek origin were tried to be imported with violations.

Import of all products of high phytosanitary risk into the territory of Russia was prohibited. All batches were returned to senders in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and the guilty persons were brought to administrative responsibility.
