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Kyrgyzstan imposes moratorium on changes in criminal legislation

The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev, imposed a temporary moratorium on the amendment of criminal legislation. The government’s website says.

It clarifies that the ban on the amendment of the laws introduced for effective law enforcement.

The moratorium on amendment until January 1, 2020 extends to: the Code of Misconduct, the Code of Violations, the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Criminal Executive Code.

However, the decree is not applied if the codes are amended in the part of:

— Harmonization with the Constitution,

— Execution of decisions of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court,

— Implementation of Safe City and Smart City projects,

— Changes in the statute of limitations related to calculation and compensation for damage caused,

— Elimination of obstacles that may arise during law enforcement practice (elimination of collisions and gaps).

The new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes, the Code of Misconduct and the Code of Violations will come into force on January 1,2019.
