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Bishkek Heating and Power Plant ready for winter

At present, the Heating and Power Plant of Bishkek is ready for thermal and electric loads that are set by the government decree. Director of the plant Andrey Voropaev announced today at a government meeting.

According to him, repair work in the boiler house is 20 percent finished, in the turbine shop — 80 percent. The delay in the boiler house is caused by the fact that the supplier could not find the necessary material for a long time. Deliveries of the material and repair work are already underway; repairs will be completed until mid-November.

«Bishkek HPP is ready for winter. A government resolution for October set a load of 150 megawatts. It will boldly take it with a sufficiently large reserve. Construction of a chemical treatment workshop does not affect the launch of HPP for heating. Moreover, the boilers of the Chinese company TBEA are also in reserve. We are going to switch on these units in the operating mode from the first day of the heating season,» said Andrey Voropaev.
