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Prime Minister criticizes budgets of Health, Transport and Labor Ministries

The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev criticized the state bodies for their inability to develop projects of effective programme budgets. The Information Support Department of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

According to it, today, the head of government held meetings on drawing up programme budgets. It is assumed that the programme-target principle of the budget process will become one of the main ways to improve the efficiency of budget expenditures.

During the meeting, the heads of ministries (health, labor and social development, transport and roads) presented a vision of the programme budgets of their ministries, but Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev did not like the reports. The prime minister said that the projects had no concrete and justified proposals that would ensure the result — improve the work of state bodies through savings and reduction of inefficient spending.

«Your programmes should be understandable and clear. You must focus on the result and put in them effective mechanisms for an effective use of their budgets. Then you will receive the funds from the budget timely and in full volume and use them with maximum efficiency. Citizens should understand that the programme budgets will significantly improve the quality of services provided by government agencies,» said Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev.

As a result, the head of government instructed in three days to develop draft programme budgets with clear and understandable for all programs, performance indicators, benefits and expected results.
