USD 87.45
EUR 90.05
RUB 0.85

Migrants transfer $ 1.5 billion to Kyrgyzstan for 7 months

In January-July 2018, the inflow of money transfers to Kyrgyzstan totaled $ 1,508.2 billion. The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan reported.

Compared with the same period last year, the figure rose by $ 189.1 million. More than 90 percent of the amount was transferred from Russia — $ 1,480.1 billion. USA takes the second place in the volume of transfers. About $ 14.2 million was transferred from this country.

In July 2018, migrants have transferred $ 279.4 million to Kyrgyzstan, which is $ 22.9 million more than the month before.

About $ 285.2 million have been transferred from Kyrgyzstan to other countries for seven months of 2018. Thus, the net inflow of remittances to the republic for seven months is estimated at $ 1,223 billion.
