USD 87.45
EUR 91.77
RUB 0.88

Kyrgyzstan to increase salaries of family doctors, nurses

Salaries of family doctors, general practice doctors, family nurses and paramedical staff for paramedical and obstetric care will be increased from October 1, 2018. The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev said at the opening ceremony of hospitals in Karamyk and Zhekendi villages of Chon-Alai district. The Information Support Department of the Government’s Executive Office reported.

Construction of two hospitals, designed for 15 beds, began in 2017. The funds — about 74 million soms — were allocated from the republican budget.

«New hospitals are modern medical institutions having all the necessary equipment and medicines,» said Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev.

The Prime Minister added that local doctors should pay special attention to providing quality primary health care.
