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Prime Minister threatens with criminal liability for barriers to investors

Strict measures up to criminal liability will be taken against guilty persons in case of revealing the facts of creation of artificial barriers for inflow of investments and implementation of concrete investment projects. The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev stated at a meeting on attraction of investments. The Information Support Department of the Government’s Executive Office reported.

According to him, Shumkarbek Adylbek uulu, the Director of the Agency for Promotion and Protection of Investments of the Kyrgyz Republic, outlined the problematic issues arising in the course of implementation of investment projects: allocation of land plots, connection to infrastructure, interaction with local authorities and the population.

«One of the methods for solving problems is the introduction of investment lots for all cities — growth points. They will contain the entire package of necessary documents, analytical data with information on taxation, customs preferences, raw materials,» he said.

An investor, coming to the country, will see a detailed picture of the projects proposed for implementation.

Shumkarbek Adylbek uulu

However, according to him, local authorities are not active and interact weakly with the agency in creation of such investment lots. There are cases when the representatives of local authorities react negatively to specific investment projects.

The Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev stressed that effective work with investors was one of the most important tasks of the executive authorities.

Heads of local self-government bodies should take, in the shortest possible time, exhaustive measures for formation of the investment lots.
