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Interior Ministry of Kyrgyzstan investigates 4 infant trafficking cases

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan is investigating four criminal cases on human trafficking. The chief of the 1st Department of the Criminal Police Service Marlis Dzhumabaev told journalists at a round table discussion.

According to him, the facts of trafficking in human beings were revealed in Kadamzhai district, Osh region and in Bishkek. All criminal cases are related to infant trafficking.

«Criminal cases were opened on all the facts under the Article — Trafficking in human beings of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. Two facts of sale of babies were registered in Oktyabrsky district of Bishkek. There was a criminal conspiracy of persons, including doctors. A woman is told that her child died, but in fact they sell the baby, drawing up fake documents,» Marlis Dzhumabaev told.
