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Register of data on dangerous products to appear in EEU

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) will create a system for informing about dangerous goods. Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported.

The controlling authorities of the five countries will «gather» information on products that do not meet the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) in a single database.

The pilot project of the information exchange system for 2018-2019 was approved by the commission, the EEC informed. It is based on international experience.

The countries of the European Union exchange information about counterfeits and dangerous products through RAPEX system (Rapid Exchange). Every Friday, the European Commission publishes a weekly review of dangerous products on a special portal, after which the responsible authorities check their availability in their markets and require a response or issue warnings. This allows to quickly learn about counterfeit and remove it from sale.

In EEU, toys and products for children, electrical appliances, cars and motorcycles most often do not comply with the technical regulations.

The pilot project will deal with these categories of products. For example, a counterfeit batch was detained in Armenia, and the controllers in the EEU countries will be able to get information about the offenders and the measures taken by the colleagues to detect dangerous products and set a screen to counterfeit in their countries.
