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HIV test before wedding may be introduced in Kyrgyzstan

HIV test before wedding may be introduced in Kyrgyzstan. Deputy of Parliament Alfiya Samigullina told 24.kg news agency.

«When people get married they need to ungergo elementary tests for sexually transmitted infections (HIV, syphilis). And the main thing is that the people who get married acquaint each other with the results,» the deputy said.

We had cases when girls were married at the age of 18-19 and got HIV from their husbands, not knowing that he was HIV positive.

Alfiya Samigullina

«This law will help the citizens to detect the disease in time, and then already responsibly think about pregnancy,» the deputy added.

According to her, the bill has already been submitted for public discussion, the deputies will return to it in September.

According to the Ministry of Health, more than 7,500 cases of HIV infection have been registered in Kyrgyzstan. The sexual transmission takes the 1st place among HIV causes.
