Kyrgyzstan changes procedure for educational activities licensing

15:33, 25 июля 2018, Bishkek - news agency , Julia KOSTENKO

A temporary provision on the licensing of educational activities has been approved in Kyrgyzstan. The decision was signed by the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev.

When obtaining a license to train drivers, the applicant will need to submit an opinion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the compliance of the equipped classrooms, motor racing track, training transport with the established licensing requirements.

In the training of medical personnel within the secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional professional medical education, it will be necessary to obtain an opinion from the Ministry of Health about the conformity of the material and technical base and clinical bases with the norms.

The temporary provision will be in force until December 31, 2020. After that, a by-law that regulates the licensing procedure for all types of activities will be adopted.