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EU representatives to assess use of GSP+ advantages by Kyrgyzstan

Delegation of the Directorate-General of the European Commission for Trade (DG TRADE) will visit Kyrgyzstan from 25 June to 29 June to assess the use of GSP + scheme. The National Alliance of Business Associations reported.

The experts will also monitor the level of compliance by the country with 27 international conventions related to GSP +. Therefore, business representatives are invited to express their views on improvement of the use of GSP + status, what are the trade and investment barriers, and to tell about business opportunities in the relations of Kyrgyzstan and the European Union.

«Responses from business associations of Kyrgyzstan are very important for the European Commission. They will be taken into account for expanding trade cooperation,» the NABA stressed.

Kyrgyzstan has been using GSP + status (the Generalized System of Preferences) in the European Union since January 2016. The republic was granted customs privileges for 6,200 commodity items (66 percent of the total commodity nomenclature). However, Kyrgyzstan cannot supply its goods until it confirms the quality and safety of its products.
