Shopping center of former mayor of Bishkek Nariman Tyuleev to be privatized

13:19, 16 марта 2018, Bishkek - news agency , Jazgul MASALIEVA

The shopping center Caravan, which belonged to the former mayor of Bishkek Nariman Tyuleev, will be privatized. The Chairman of the State Property Management Fund, Renat Tuleberdiev, announced at the meeting of the parliamentary faction Respublika — Ata Jurt.

«Caravan was included in the list of objects subject to privatization. We still have legal disputes on Ak-Keme hotel,» he said.

Recall, Caravan shopping center was confiscated together with other objects of property belonging to the former mayor of the capital. The shopping center was taken in state ownership in April 2017. According to the verdict of the Leninsky District Court of Bishkek dated July 29, 2013, the decision of the Bishkek City Court dated December 23, 2014 and the Supreme Court ruling dated November 30, 2015, Nariman Tyuleev and other defendants were found guilty, and their property was confiscated.

Nariman Tyuleev was convicted under the article «Corruption.»