15:21, 12 марта 2018, Bishkek - 24.kg news agency , Maria ORLOVA
An average monthly nominal salary of an employee in 2017 (excluding small enterprises) was 15,391 soms, or $ 223.5. The National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan presented such data.
The highest salary level is in Bishkek — 20,209 soms, and the lowest — in Osh region (10,163 soms.)
The average per capita real monetary income of the population in 2017 was 4,588 soms a month. As before, incomes of the population are higher in Bishkek, below the average republican rate — among the residents of Jalal-Abad, Naryn, Talas regions and Osh city.
The main sources of money incomes of the population were labor activity (71.4 percent), income from social transfers (15.3 percent), and sale of agricultural products produced by personal farm household (9.2 percent.)