Kyrgyzstan launches "Clean Life" national campaign

14:08, 15 февраля 2018, Bishkek - news agency , Anastasia BENGARD

The Government of Kyrgyzstan launches the national campaign «Taza Zhashoo» (Clean Life). It will last from March 1 to May 31.

The campaign is aimed at improving the social infrastructure, the sanitary condition of urban and rural facilities, landscaping and cleaning in all regions of the country.

During the campaign, facades of buildings, equipment on playgrounds will be painted, and small architectural forms will be cleaned.

Special environmental campaign will be held and measures will be expectedly taken to protect the environment. Thematic exhibitions and installations, musical events, art contests will take place.

All government agencies will participate in the campaign. The government calls on public organizations, environmentalists, civic activists, all those who are not indifferent to the ecological, sanitary condition of the country and its appearance, to take an active part in the three-month campaign.