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Threshold amount for investment agreements may be reduced to $ 1 million

The government proposes to lower the threshold amount at the conclusion of the investment agreement to $ 1 million if the projects are implemented in the mountainous and remote areas.

Prime Minister Sapar Isakov stated today at a meeting of the Council for Business Development and Investment.

According to him, the government intends to lower the threshold for concluding an investment agreement from $ 50 to $ 10 million. For remote and mountainous regions, it is proposed to make it even less so that «projects do not stand idle». In addition, the government plans to reduce the amount of investors’ contributions from $ 3 to $ 1 million.

«The government has worked out a bill which is considered by the Parliament in the second reading that allows foreigners to purchase real estate. They will have indulgence in obtaining a residence permit, because they will be considered as large investors,» said Sapar Isakov.

In addition, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers promised that the law on public-private partnership will be revised in terms of introducing a more simplified system of tenders and in terms of financing.
