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Social Democrats do not approve report of Ombudsman

The Social Democrats didn’t approve the report of Ombudsman Kubat Otorbaev for 2016. Today members of SDPK parliamentary faction were to hear his report on the work done, but he did not attend the meeting.

Deputy Ryskeldi Mombekov told 24.kg news agency why deputies are outraged by the behavior of the country’s main human rights activist. «He sent a report to all the deputies of the faction with all the applications, disks and so on. But he doesn’t come himself. We can’t wait. 2018 is near. In the spring we should hear a report for these twelve months. Today he did not come again and did not explain the reason. Therefore, we did not approve the report. We will pass the conclusion of the faction to the Chamber. If the majority of deputies support, he will be prematurely dismissed from his post,» Ryskeldi Mombekov stressed.

He added that the ombudsman’s office refers to Kubat Otorbaev’s illness. «But on Wednesday, we all saw him at a funeral of the brother of our colleague Zhanar Akaev. And today he is suddenly sick,» Ryskeldi Mombekov said.

Kubat Otorbaev is not available for comment. His phone is turned off.
