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Felling of trees banned in Kyrgyzstan since 2016

Since 2016, the felling of trees is prohibited in Kyrgyzstan. Director of the State Agency for Environment and Forestry Abdykalyk Rustamov told today at a press conference.

According to him, all kinds of felling are banned. This is done to preserve the forest fund. «Only forests can influence the reduction of greenhouse gases. Annually, 2,000 hectares of forest are planted. The territories of forest tracts are better protected,» Abdykalyk Rustamov said.

He added that the norms and fines for illegal felling of trees were toughened. 1,200 soms will have to be paid for a felled tree up to 30 centimeters in diameter. If the diameter exceeds 30 centimeters, than more than 300 soms are to be paid for each centimeter.

«For example, the diameter is 70 centimeters. For additional 40 centimeters it is necessary to pay about 15,000 soms. Do you think it is profitable? All the money is sent to the republican budget,» said Abdykalyk Rustamov.
