USD 87.45
EUR 90.05
RUB 0.85

Second intervention for month. National Bank keeps dollar rate at same level

The National Bank keeps the dollar exchange rate at one level due to interventions. This week, it was the second time in a month that it entered the foreign exchange market.

The Bank sold $ 6.4 million with calculations on the date of the transaction and $ 350,000 - with calculations other than the date of the transaction. Note, since the beginning of the month, the NB of the KR has already sold $ 12.7 million on the market. Since early November, the amount of intervention on selling the dollar is estimated at $ 55.4 million.

Note, for more than a week the dollar rate in commercial banks is almost the same. The currency is bought for 69.6-69.7 soms, but sold only for 69.8 soms. The nominal rate is set at 69,7431 soms (a drop of 0.01 percent a day).
