USD 87.45
EUR 90.24
RUB 0.90

Only half of schools in Kyrgyzstan have Internet access

As of today, 1,242 schools (or 55 percent of the total number) are connected to the Internet in Kyrgyzstan in order to make the learning process even more interesting and informative. This is stated in the report «100 days of Prime Minister Sapar Isakov.»

In order to equip the general educational institutions of the republic with modern technology, 4,236 sets of television equipment were purchased for further use for educational purposes.

At least 1,300 computers have been purchased for schools, that allows increasing the interactivity of the educational process and facilitating the perception of information by students.

In order to ensure road safety, the first stage of modernization of the road infrastructure near schools located on international and state roads has been completed. Traffic lights, road signs, artificial road humps, road markings were installed at the expense of the republican budget.

Up to date, the road infrastructure has been modernized near 42 schools in the regions. The project will involve 85 schools located on the main roads of the country.

Over 2,200 schools are working in the republic.
