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Market price of Electric Stations JSC – 4 billion soms

Electric Stations JSC costs 4 billion soms, the head of the National Energy Holding Aibek Kaliev said today at a meeting of the parliamentary committee on the fuel and energy complex and subsoil use.

According to him, Energy Holding fully began operating in January 2016. 100 percent of assets belong to the  Management of State Property Fund. The authorized capital is 6 billion soms.

«Weaknesses of the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan is loss-making, low efficiency, insufficient transparency, the single type of generation. We are very dependent on water resources. Threats to the industry are dependence on tariffs and politicization,» Aibek Kaliev said.

Electric Stations costs 4 billion soms. The company includes the Bishkek HPP, the cascade of the Toktogul HPPs. At the same time, Kambarata HPP-2 with one operating unit costs 12 billion soms.

The deputies didn’t understand why a large company with generating facilities has such a low market price. The head of the holding promised to explain this later.
