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Transport Ministry intends to ban right-hand drive cars in intercity transport

The Ministry of Transport intends to prohibit the use of right-hand drive vehicles for the commercial transportation of passengers in international, intercity and suburban traffic. Amendments to some legislative acts were submitted for public discussion.

Note, it was proposed to introduce the fines for the use of right-hand drive vehicles for commercial purposes, postponed until 2020, as early as on January 1, 2018. As the Interior Ministry informed 24.kg news agency, this bill has already been coordinated with all ministries and departments and is currently under consideration by the government. After approval, it will be sent to the Parliament.

In addition, the Transport Ministry tightens the requirements for drivers of buses and passenger taxis.

Now, a professional experience of at least five years (instead of three years) is required for work as a driver of a passenger bus.

Drivers with a length of service of at least three years are allowed for transportation of passengers by taxis. There are no requirements for continuous work now.

It is also proposed to issue the driving licenses to handle cars intended for transportation of passengers and having from eight to sixteen seats (category D1), to persons who have reached the age of 23 and have a continuous driving experience of not less than five years.

Now this category can be obtained at the age of 21 with at least 4 years of experience.

Most often, inexperienced drivers with experience up to two years get into traffic accidents.

Ministry of Transport of the Kyrgyz Republic
