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Kadyr Malikov presents two books about Islam

Member of the Ulema Council Kadyr azhy Malikov presented two books «Muslim Youth: Values ​​and Priorities» and «Islam and the State».

The author through the prism of Islam examines the problems of modern Kyrgyz society — such as corruption, violation of traffic rules, the concept of secularism, traditions. In a conversation with 24.kg news agency, Kadyr Malikov said that a driver who considers himself an orthodox Muslim can’t and shouldn’t violate traffic rules: «This is the concept of responsibility, one of the elements of faith,» he said.

If you systematically break the rules, don’t care about your safety, then sooner or later you will get into an accident. Of course, we can say that Allah wished has, but it is not only in God’s will, but also in the driver who behaved irresponsibly and was punished for it.

Kadyr Malikov

The expert also noted that some chapters in the book are devoted to the fight against corruption and an explanation is given — a true believer can’t and shouldn’t steal, this is not only a violation of secular laws, but also the canons of Islam. The presentation of the works of the religious scholar will take place today.
