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Airports of Kyrgyzstan may be given to Turkish company TAV Airports Holding

«If the airports are given to a private Turkish company, what will happen to our security?» Deputy Zarylbek Rysaliyev asked at a meeting of the parliamentary faction Respublika — Ata Jurt today.

According to him, there is information about the transfer of the airports to the Turkish company TAV Airports Holding. It plans to invest in the construction of new airports in Kyrgyzstan. The issue of transfer of two airports to investors was discussed on November 21 at a meeting between the Prime Minister Sapar Isakov and TAV Airports Holding Director Mustafa Sener. The Turkish investor at the meeting said that he was ready to modernize Manas and Osh airports.

«If the airports are given to a private Turkish company, what will happen to our security? After all, these are strategic objects. We are already dependent on Russia’s gas and Kazakhstan’s roads. If we give the airports to a private Turkish company, will not it be like with Kumtor?» the deputy asked.

Head of the State Property Management Fund Duishenbek Zilaliev answered that the airports had not yet been transferred to the Turkish company.

«This is a delicate issue, which must be agreed with the Parliament. We did not give airports to TAV so far,» concluded Duishenbek Zilaliev.
