Bloodthirsty Bakiyev. Outraged people to hold rally at Embassy of Kazakhstan

11:15, 30 ноября 2017, Bishkek - news agency

Civil activists of  are outraged by the fact that the day before the state television channel of Kazakhstan Khabar broadcasted a documentary about the events of April 7,  .

The head of Aikol Ala-Too NGO Meerbek Miskenbaev told reporters that they intend to hold a rally at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Bishkek.

«The state television channel of  gives the floor to the bloodthirsty Bakiyev, shows a film about the April revolution negatively, that all this happened from despair,» he said.

Meyerbek Miskenbayev is outraged by Bakiyev’s words, who complained that he was forced to leave the country in what he was wearing at the moment.

The day before, Khabar broadcasted a documentary film « of peacemaker. Kyrgyz breakup,» dedicated to the revolution on April 7,  it Kurmanbek Bakiyev expressed confidence that the time would come and he would return to his homeland.