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Russian retail chains managers to advise on entry into EEU market

Representatives of large retail chains of Russia will arrive in Kyrgyzstan in January. The Economy Minister of Kyrgyzstan Artem Novikov stated today at a session of the Parliament.

According to him, Russian businessmen will hold a forum in Bishkek and will give explanations about the mechanism of entering the market, the quality of the goods, the assortment and the required volumes.

Earlier, Prime Minister Sapar Isakov reminded that the quality of goods exported to EEU from Kyrgyzstan should comply with technical regulations.

«All products that meet these technical regulations are sold to Kazakhstan and Russia. Products of lower quality are not sold in large stores, but only in spontaneous markets. This is the problem. Therefore, we think that, through fierce competition, the quality of these products will improve from day to day. In the next 3-4 years, the volume and assortment in agriculture will grow,» Sapar Isakov concluded.
