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Human rights defenders intend to bring mufti-bigamist to criminal responsibility

The human rights center Kylym Shamy intends to apply to the Bishkek city prosecutor’s office in connection with the revelations of the former head of the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, Chubak azhi Zhalilov. Aziza Abdirasulova stated.

She recalled that every citizen of Kyrgyzstan is obliged to honor the laws adopted in the country, and ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Aziza Abdirasulova believes that the supervisory authorities should consider the statement of the former mufti of the country, video of whom appeared on the Internet.

Human rights activists ask the Bishkek city prosecutor’s office to give legal assessment to the facts voiced in Chubak azhi Zhalilov’s interview, and to make a legal decision.

Only if the law works equally for everyone and everyone respects the law, we can build a rule-of-law state

Aziza Abdirasulova

Ex-mufti Chubak azhi Zhalilov in a video interview told that he has a second wife, and urged to follow his example: «Let men who have the opportunity to feed another family marry and keep them.»

The Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic has article 153 on bigamy and polygamy. It says that bigamy or polygamy, that is, cohabitation with two or more women with keeping of a common household, is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years.
