USD 87.45
EUR 91.77
RUB 0.88

Number of able-bodied citizens growing

The Draft Concept of the State Migration Policy of Kyrgyzstan until 2040 was submitted for public discussion.

Officials note that the last strategic document in this direction was adopted in 2004.

Particular attention is paid to the issues of urbanization, internal and external employment, protection of rights and interests of migrant workers abroad, immigration, reintegration of returnees, international cooperation in the field of migration.

According to the demographic forecast of the UN Population Division, by 2030 the population of Kyrgyzstan will be 6.5-7.3 million people. At the same time, a significant increase in the working age population is predicted: from 2.5 million (in 2015) to 4.4-4.5 million people (in 2030).

According to expert estimates, the projected number of surplus labor will increase and almost double by 2050. Part of labor resources in low demand will continue to be the basis for labor migration abroad. Because of the increase in labor productivity due to technological modernization in agriculture by 2050, employment in this sector of the economy is expected to decrease from 183 to 331,000 people.

«Despite the fact that job creation is the best option for stabilizing migration processes, in modern conditions it is necessary to consider employment abroad as part of the national development strategy, as it allows taking advantage of global employment and attracting migrant remittances. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that migrants prefer to obtain a residence permit or the citizenship of another country in case of successful adaptation,» the concept says.

Earlier it was reported that in Kyrgyzstan there are about 200,000 unemployed.
