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Moody's confirms credit rating of Kyrgyzstan

International rating agency Moody’s confirmed the credit rating of Kyrgyzstan. Its website reported.

It is noted that the credit profile of Kyrgyzstan reflects the recent growth of debt in the context of very low costs of debt servicing and reliable growth prospects. As a result, Kyrgyzstan is rated B2: Stable. The rating remains unchanged from December 2015, when it was first assigned to the republic.

Rating B2 is considered as highly speculative.

Representatives of Moody’s came to Kyrgyzstan in late October for an annual assessment of the country. Analysts held meetings with representatives of ministries and departments, international financial institutions, commercial banks and foreign representative offices in the country.

The rating of Kyrgyzstan is closed, therefore it is impossible to study the data why the experts assigned it to the republic.
