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Kazakhstan comments on denunciation of agreement by Kyrgyzstan

Kazakhstan will begin denunciation of an agreement on assistance within EEU after the official notification from Kyrgyzstan of the completion of all domestic procedures. Russian media reported with reference to the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of the republic Mukhtar Tleuberdi.

Earlier, the Kyrgyz Parliament adopted in the third and final reading a bill on denunciation of the agreement with Kazakhstan on the development of economic cooperation in the conditions of Eurasian economic integration.

«The agreement was denounced amid a diplomatic scandal between Bishkek and Astana that occurred before the October presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan, but 15 days before inauguration of the new president of Kyrgyzstan, Sooronbai Jeenbekov, who in one of his interviews stated that problems in relations with Kazakhstan would soon be settled,» the message says.

According to Mukhtar Tleuberdi, Kazakhstan has received an official note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan.

«Now they have passed the bill through Parliament, but it must be signed by the president, and only then, when we are officially handed a note that Kyrgyzstan has completed the denunciation, we will proceed to this process,» Tleuberdi told reporters.

He noted that the draft law on the denunciation of the agreement with Kyrgyzstan, posted on the website of the Kazakh Ministry of National Economy, had not yet been coordinated inter-departmentally.

«We are ready,» Tleuberdi said, adding that Kazakhstan will begin its internal procedures «after officially notification of denunciation by Kyrgyzstan

Recall, Kyrgyzstan decided to denounce the agreement with Kazakhstan on assistance within EEU. The Cabinet explained it by the fact that, despite the assurances of the Kazakh authorities, the money still were not allocated.

Kyrgyzstan refers to Part 1 of Article 60 and Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties dated May 23, 1969. It states that a breach of a bilateral treaty by one of its participants entitles the other party to invoke this violation as a ground for termination of the contract or suspension of its operation in whole or in part.
