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Prime Minister sees into “general situation on roads”

Prime Minister Sapar Isakov holds an emergency meeting, the reason for which is the critical situation on the roads.

From November 1 to 9, 208 road accidents were registered in the republic, as a result of which 42 of our citizens died, more than 300 were injured.

Sapar Isakov

«Today we need to figure out what’s going on. What are the omissions in the work of our team, and where do we need to correct the actions,» Sapar Isakov said.

«For ten months, there were 5,197 road accidents, which is 8.3 percent more than in the same period in 2016. 695 citizens died, about eight thousand people were injured. These are terrible figures, which need to be considered and to make those steps that will make their correct adjustments to existing cases. The «smart cities» planned by the project will be completed within two years. But before that we must do something,» the Prime Minister said.
