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165 vehicles accumulate at Ak-Tilek checkpoint

At least 165 heavy trucks accumulated at Ak-Tilek checkpoint on the border with Kazakhstan, and 135 vehicles — at Chon-Kapka checkpoint. The State Border Service of Kyrgyzstan informed 24.kg news agency.

There are no queues at Ak-Zhol checkpoint. Kazakh border guards promptly pass people. However, about 30 minibuses and cars are waiting in line. There are no traffic jams at Chaldybar checkpoint.

At the beginning of the week, the Border Service reported a sharp reduction in queues at checkpoints. By November 8, only 40 trucks left at Ak-Tilek checkpoint. The State Border Service explained that the border guards of Kazakhstan pass empty trucks without checking.

Since October 10, there is a large accumulation of trucks at all checkpoints on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border due to strengthened control by Kazakhstan.
