Deputy Chynybai Tursunbekov asked him whether there would be consequences if the republic refused the assistance. The minister assured that there would be no consequences, since the money was not directed to the budget and was not taken into account.
The certificate states that no expertise is required and there will be no consequences. If we refused money, we must find them. You are really lying. There will be consequences.
Chynybai Tursunbekov
Artem Novikov explained that $ 41 million was planned to be spent on equipment for the State Customs Service, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the Ministry for Emergencies, the Center for Standardization and Metrology, and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Most of the funds are provided for the purchase of equipment for laboratories. Money in the budget-2018 is not provided. We still have to find them. The road map has been extended for two years, so we have time.
Artem Novikov
Vice Speaker Altynay Omurbekova added that