USD 87.45
EUR 91.77
RUB 0.88

1.7 million soms collected for poaching in Kyrgyzstan in 2017

For three quarters of 2017, 281 facts of illegal killing of animals and destruction of plants were recorded. The Department of Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources of the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry informed 24.kg news agency.

According to it, for three quarters, the amount of fines and claims for the damage amounted to 2,210 million soms, 1,734 million soms of which were collected, or 78.4%.

Damage to the animal world amounted to almost 1.5 million soms, plant life — 615,900 soms.

As noted, for 9 months of 2017, three facts of violation of environmental legislation were detected through social networks.
