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Atambayev: USA need no democracy in Kyrgyzstan and our region

«The USA do not need any democracy in KyrgyzstanAlmazbek Atambayev, Kyrgyzstan’s president, said at the awarding of scholarships to the best students today.

«Michael McFaul, who was U.S. ambassador to Russia a few years ago, said: it’s bad that we chose Jeenbekov, it’s bad for democracy. That is, if we had chosen the protégés of the oligarchs of Kazakhstan and the US Department of State, it would be good. Because the United States do not absolutely need any democracy in Kyrgyzstan and our region,» the head of state said.

He also responded to previously voiced claims about the use of administrative resources at the elections, recalling that in 2007 Bakiyev’s people hung and killed their opponents.
