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Iranian Ali Hakimpoor faced with ‘book indigence’ in comfortable Bishkek

Ali Hakimpoor has been living in Kyrgyzstan for a year and a half. He heads the Cultural Representative Office at the Embassy of Iran in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Before making a decision to come here, he was interested in our country. One of the decisive factors in the choice of Kyrgyzstan was the Kyrgyz culture, which has close ties and common roots with the Iranian one.

The population of Tehran exceeds 8 million people. It is a metropolitan city with constant problems and gas-polluted air. That’s why Bishkek seems to me a comfortable and calm city.

I have visited many countries and only here I can observe the tranquility in terms of living of people of different nationalities. Everyone lives in peace and harmony. It is evident that civil rights are respected.

Ali Hakimpoor

From the very first days of my stay, I was warmly welcomed by the academic community, intellectuals, and universities management. There is beautiful scenery, a favorable climate here.

What else could be attractive, interesting for foreigners and for the Iranians in particular? We have close food preferences, similar customs and traditions, rituals, set of mind, a common brilliant past.

I see huge potential in Kyrgyzstan, in particular, in the sphere of tourism. Today, the Iranian government is interested in expanding ties and cooperation in various areas with your country.

Ali Hakimpoor

— What surprised you the most in Kyrgyzstan?

— I am a lawyer, and the most surprising thing for the lawyer’s eyes was the fact that the president of the Kyrgyz Republic is elected once for six years and can not be re-elected for a second term, unlike in other republics of Central Asia. This indicates a high level of democracy, that the Kyrgyz people are its ardent advocates.

Apparently, the people had held two revolutions not in vain. Citizens defend the results of these revolutions and struggle to ensure the country not to take the wrong way.

Another point that was interesting for me is the culture of nomads. Few people are proud of this, and the Kyrgyz are proud of it.

One more thing that surprised me was a plenty of pharmacies, medical centers and Japanese cars.

I imagined Kyrgyzstan as a republic that was dependent on Russia, which meant for me that there should be cars of Russian brands.

Ali Hakimpoor

It is also interesting that the Russian population does not learn the Kyrgyz language. I think that in ten years the situation will change, and the Kyrgyz language will be very common in the society.

I was very impressed by Kyrgyz honey. Neither in Iran, nor in Europe, I have seen it in such an abundance. All our friends, delegations take kilograms of this honey with them.

— You, surely, have a favorite place in the country.

-Most of all I liked three or four places. Erkindik boulevard has a special beauty. I have seen a few so long and so green boulevards in the world.

The second place is Ala-Too Square, a public place where revolutions were made, and at the same time it is located next to the presidential palace.

Ali Hakimpoor

I like Ala-Archa Gorge, Issyk-Kul Lake. If the visa regime was simplified, then there would be definitely more tourists.

Recently, I discovered for myself another new place — the memorial complex Ata-Beyit, where the grave of Chingiz Aitmatov is located. The personality of the writer is so important for the Kyrgyz that they chose such a spiritual place and built a beautiful memorial headstone.

— What reminds you of your hometown in Bishkek?

— Perhaps, it is the culture, Nooruz holiday, which is the main holiday in Iran. The main dish samanu is identical to sumelek. Millennia ago it was cooked according to one recipe in the region. And today some Kyrgyz people do not know that there is such a dish in Iran, and also Iranians do not know about sumelek.

— What would you change in our capital?

Bishkek is definitely a city with great potential. First of all, I would elect a very wise and experienced mayor.

Ali Hakimpoor

I would increase the number of road signs and street signs. In the first days of my stay, I was several times lost in the city and could not understand where I was. It is very difficult to navigate without signs.

If the Bishkek City Administration appealed to the Embassy of Iran for help, we would probably help to purchase or produce road signs.

Hundreds of streets that I have seen are in poor condition and in need of asphalting. We do not see any changes. The mayor of Bishkek could use the opportunities of neighboring countries, including resorting to Tehran’s help. Tehran is 6-8 times bigger than Bishkek, but you will not see even small streets with flaws, the roads are ideal everywhere.

Ali Hakimpoor

Iran is a wealthy country in terms of asphalt, bitumen, it would be enough to invite the mayor of Tehran once, and the issue would be partially solved. Bishkek can actually become one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

— What do you like in the national cuisine, and what are you even afraid to try?

— In addition to beshbarmak, I have tried a lot already. I especially like lagman, but it’s a bit fatty for me.

I like fruit, organically clean, delicious.

I even had a fortune to attend Kyrgyz traditional holidays. And I was very interested in the presentation, serving of dishes, especially meat. We grill meat, cook kebabs, mostly on fire. And here it is cooked in huge pieces, brought and put on the table.

Ali Hakimpoor

I will not risk eating the eyes of a lamb or any other animal even in Iran. But my wife once cooked them, and I by mistake and at ignorance ate them.

-What has fascinated or disappointed you when meeting with the local population?

— I was fascinated by the calmness of the Kyrgyz people, which can be seen on the faces of young couples walking along Erkindik boulevard even at midnight. Nobody touches them, nobody cares about them.

One of the main needs for a person is peace and security. And it can be seen in Bishkek.

What disappointed me — not only in Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan, but in all countries of this region — is how the local police fine drivers.

Perhaps, the main reason for this is their low salary, especially those employees who work with people and see «ready» money. It is sad.

— Have you personally been fined in Bishkek?

— Yes. It was in the first days of my stay. It was late evening, I moved from one side of Erkindik boulevard to the other, and suddenly traffic light turned red, a policeman appeared. I solved my problem by money. I was forced make it unofficially, he did not want to draw up documents.

— What do you lack in Kyrgyzstan?

— If we do not talk about private life, I do not see here the opportunities that Iranian universities have, either medical services, some kind of municipal opportunities. Despite the fact that Tehran is a densely populated city, there are all conditions that facilitate the life of ordinary citizens.

We are reading people, passing by a university in Tehran, I know that there will necessarily be a lot of bookstores on this street. And here I was faced with ‘book indigence’, the lack of bookshops.

Ali Hakimpoor

There are too few museums. Iran has about 30 museums, some of them are unique. I lack diversity. But I can not oppose it to Iran. Bishkek is a small, quiet city, it is unique in its own way. And I believe that this city has a huge potential.
