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Kyrgyzstan and European Union begin negotiations on new agreement

On 9 October 2017, the Council adopted a mandate for the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to negotiate, on behalf of the EU and its member states, a comprehensive agreement with the Kyrgyz Republic. Consilium.europa.eu reported.

The new agreement will build on the partnership and cooperation agreement in force since 1999. It will reflect the ambition of the EU and the Kyrgyz Republic to take forward their bilateral relations.

The partnership between the EU and the Kyrgyz Republic is based on the Kyrgyz Republic’s commitment to undertake reforms to strengthen democracy, fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, and to promote sustainable economic development. The EU has supported the Kyrgyz Republic in these efforts through its long term development cooperation, including support to the reform of its electoral system.

The EU expects the upcoming presidential elections in the Kyrgyz Republic to be carried out in line with its international obligations and commitments in terms of holding credible, inclusive and transparent elections.
