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Bishkek hosts memorial service for Temir Dzhumakadyrov

Memorial service for untimely deceased Deputy Prime Minister Temir Dzhumakadyrov took place in the Kyrgyz Drama Theater in Bishkek.

President Almazbek Atambayev, Prime Minister Sapar Isakov and the closest relative of Temir Dzhumakadyrov made speech at the mourning rally.

In his speech, the President Almazbek Atambayev called Temir Dzhumakadyrov a wise and astute person beyond his years, and noted that in the future he saw him as prime minister, head of state.

The tragedy occurred on the 36th kilometer of Bishkek-Kara-Balta road, in Sadovoye village. According to eyewitnesses, the car of the Vice Prime Minister collided with KamAZ truck, which drove into the oncoming lane. Its driver was hospitalized.

The Deputy Prime Minister Temir Dzhumakadyrov, his assistant and driver, died in the traffic accident.

Temir Dzhumakadyrov had four children.

Temir Dzhumakadyrov was born on August 4, 1979. He graduated from secondary school in Balykchy village, received his higher education at the Kyrgyz National University. For many years, he has worked in the UN system, at his home university. He also headed the staff of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. He was the secretary of the Defense Council. Since August 2017, he was the Vice Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Temir Dzhumakadyrov will be buried at Ala-Archa cemetery in Bishkek.
