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Sapar Isakov conveys greetings to Vyacheslav Volodin from President

The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Sapar Isakov conveyed greetings from the President to the Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin and told about the Eurasian Economic Union. An exchange of views on important issues took place today during a meeting of officials in Moscow.

According to Sapar Isakov, the visit of Vyacheslav Volodin to Kyrgyzstan this year gave impetus to the bilateral relations of the countries. The head of the Cabinet once again stressed that the relations between Kyrgyzstan and Russia are strategic and allied. He noted the inter-parliamentary cooperation of the countries.

«I would like to express my gratitude for the fact that you have become a leader in resolving the issue of driving licenses of our citizens. The President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev asked to send you greetings and huge gratitude for what the Russian side has done for us. This is really very important. About 700,000 our compatriots are in Russia. They work here, and many of them have cars and move by them in the cities of Russia,» Sapar Isakov said.

Your decision to permit our citizens to drive using national driving licenses is in fact a big help for us.

Sapar Isakov

«Kyrgyzstan has been a full member of EEU since 2015. And this brought us a great positive dynamics in the economy. We thought a lot, analyzed how everything will be and whether there will be more pros than cons. In the end, we were not mistaken. Today, our organizations, factories have come to life. We started to receive new technologies. And the EEU standards provide an opportunity to improve the quality of products manufactured in our country,» Sapar Isakov concluded.

The head of the Cabinet said that thanks to the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund, many small and medium-sized enterprises were able to work. As of today, loans worth about $ 250 million have been issued. Sapar Isakov drew attention of Vyacheslav Volodin to the forthcoming elections and told about Taza Koom project.

Vyacheslav Volodin promised that Russian parliament deputies from each faction would certainly come to Kyrgyzstan to monitor the elections. As for the introduction of Taza Koom, Russia already has experience in this direction, he said.

«Such projects not only help to significantly reduce costs, but also reduce the corruption component,» Vyacheslav Volodin concluded.

Then the meeting continued without participation of the press.
